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TFW Graduates Video Transcript

My name is Abbie, and I’m on the risk graduate scheme.

My name’s Ali and I’ve started the finance graduate scheme at Transport for Wales.

So the main thing that attracted me to Transport for Wales is the scheme which is a risk grad scheme.

I find it really fascinating that you can forecast future events and measure risk through maths. I love maths.

So I studied accounting and finance at Cardiff University and I graduated in 2016.

And the reason I applied to Transport for Wales is I’ve seen a lot of change happening, living in Cardiff and my parents are from Newport.

So living in those areas, I’ve seen a lot of changes happening in the train stations and things like that.

So I just wanted to be a part of that change and help Wales move into that direction of sustainable travel for the future.

So the scheme is structured two years.

There’ll be a variety of different workshops and learning sets.

Different focuses, such as leadership, coaching, project management…

So Day 1, I started, got into the office at 9am and the IT team set us up with our laptops, phones, all the equipment that we needed.

I had induction in the morning.

We had a chat about HR policy, training, as well as any general questions about coming into the office, working from home, followed by meetings with my manager and a few of the other people that I’d be working with.

And then we also had a health and safety induction and an induction from the communications team.

So a jam-packed morning on the first morning.

I applied for a staff travel pass, which is a really, really good thing.

I’m looking forward to getting my travel pass – free trains within Wales!

Everyone’s really, really welcoming and really happy to have me onboard.

I’d like to stay in this organisation because I really, from my experience so far, really like the culture.

The office is obviously really, really nice as well.

New build, everything’s brand new, squeaky clean.

That was really, kind of exciting and everything nice and fresh and brand new.

The team was so welcoming.

The culture's the main thing.

Everyone’s been really supportive and helpful throughout and I feel like that’s something that will continue.

Because it feels like it’s part of the company culture that they’re trying to promote.

Yes, I feel the support already is immense.

I feel like the team and the organisation really want to invest in us graduates to be successful – to be future leaders in a sense.

I’m most excited about meeting people and working with new people.

I feel like Transport for Wales has a lot of talented individuals working here, so it would be good to learn from them as well as work with them as well.

And over the next two years I feel like I’ll get a wide variety of experience in various sectors within the finance department.

I am definitely most excited about the challenge and the potential to progress and learn and I like a challenge.

I definitely see myself here in the long term.

They want you to progress.

They want you to become the future leaders, so I think that is, you know, really good.